Responsive Design Fulfills a Need Website visitors expect the quality of the web pages that they are viewing to be consistent across many different technology devices. Responsive web design is a technique that a web designer will use to adjust the size of the web page according to the requirements[…]
In today’s media-saturated culture, consumers have become accustomed to and even suspicious of advertisements that make unsubstantiated claims. Companies that are trying to attract customers through a website must prove that they are trustworthy and that their services are worth the time and money. One of the best ways to[…]
Minnesota’s Sunset Shores Resort MyModernWeb designers have done it again! We recently launched a new website design for Minnesota’s Sunset Shores Resort. A beautifully interactive site, it quickly draws its visitors in with slideshow pictures of warm sand and rustic cabin settings. The eye-catching home page encapsulates features such as[…]
Who does the owner of a web design company turn to when it’s time to take the leap and get his first tattoo? His very first client, of course! First Things First Getting inked is a serious endeavor. There are many factors to consider, but finding the right tattoo artist[…]
Most people realize that the Internet has changed everything, but there are some things where the changes are not the ones that are immediately apparent or complete. It is true that virtual financial transactions have greatly altered the way in which we do business, but there is a new and[…]