web design

Responsive Design Fulfills a Need Website visitors expect the quality of the web pages that they are viewing to be consistent across many different technology devices. Responsive web design is a technique that a web designer will use to adjust the size of the web page according to the requirements[…]

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For small businesses, having a custom website built and then maintained can represent a substantial or even prohibitive cost. Fortunately, the days when a custom-built site was the only choice are over. WordPress offers businesses an intuitive content management system (CMS) that is easy to update! WordPress WordPress started out[…]

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Click here to see more images of ShowMeBirds.com About The Client Show Me Birds is America’s biggest pheasant hunting resort, located in Baxter Springs, Kansas, and owned by Kim and Claudette Shira. Visitors enjoy many exciting activities, including different styles of pheasant hunting, skeet shooting, and fishing. The experienced, professional[…]

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Minnesota’s Sunset Shores Resort MyModernWeb designers have done it again! We recently launched a new website design for Minnesota’s Sunset Shores Resort. A beautifully interactive site, it quickly draws its visitors in with slideshow pictures of warm sand and rustic cabin settings. The eye-catching home page encapsulates features such as[…]

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Mobile computing is exploding as more users each day trade in their cellphones and upgrade to smartphones. Couple these smartphone users with the tsunami of tablet users no one predicted five years ago, and you have a seismic shift in the nature of mobile computing. Why Mobile Matters Many websites[…]

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1. Choose a Dot-Com Domain Most people automatically assume that your website ends with .com, especially people that aren’t particularly internet-savvy. If you’re looking to build traffic through everyday people, whether you’re trying to sell a product or just get people to view free material for ad-revenue, a domain name[…]

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