Responsive Design Fulfills a Need Website visitors expect the quality of the web pages that they are viewing to be consistent across many different technology devices. Responsive web design is a technique that a web designer will use to adjust the size of the web page according to the requirements[…]
I know it’s too early to market your Christmas specials, but now is the time to start planning how you are going to capitalize on this very busy time of year. After all, the holidays are a time when shoppers are looking to buy, and you definitely want them to have your[…]
Most people realize that the Internet has changed everything, but there are some things where the changes are not the ones that are immediately apparent or complete. It is true that virtual financial transactions have greatly altered the way in which we do business, but there is a new and[…]
Here’s the problem. People can say anything on the internet. And really there is nothing you can do about it unless they say it in a comment on your blog. If it’s on your blog, you can delete it and no-one will ever see it. But what if it’s not[…]
One of the great perks of being an internet company is that it doesn’t matter where we live. Everything we do at MyModernWeb is web based. This allows us to work with anyone in the world from anywhere in the world. Over the past two years I have proved it.[…]
The difference between fixed and responsive website design.
Next time you’re writing an email or a post on Facebook, you should consider using a little emotion. It’s nice when you’re talking to someone and you can see their face, so you know how they feel about what they are saying. But, when you’re typing people can’t see you[…]
What do you think about my new wallpaper? It’s ok to comment, my website won’t bite. Download the wallpaper for your desktop here. Thanks graphcoder, for the background via Graphics – 5 Professional Product Background Set(JPG+PNG+PSD) | GraphicRiver.
You know that saying? “You have to spend money to make money”. I think that’s a load of crap. Don’t get me wrong, I agree you have to invest something to get something in return, but why does it have to be money. And, what is so great about money,[…]
I love what I do and I only hire people that love what they do. At MyModernWeb we all love what we do. Sure we hate doing paperwork and taxes and all the crappy stuff that comes with operating a business, but at the end of the day we enjoy[…]