From the Blog

Apparently, few people are bright enough to figure out how to register for this contest. That means your chances of winning are very high, assuming you know how to scan a QR code.

Infact, at the time that I was typing this blog post only one person had joined the contest. If you want that person to win just close your web browser right now. But if you think you deserve the $100 bill I’m giving away, pay attention.

To enter the giveaway simply go to the Joplin Chamber of Commerce and scan the QR code located on the Spotlight Table with your smart phone. Then complete the registration form. The Spotlight Table is right inside the main entrance; you can see it as soon as you walk inside the front door.

The winner will be randomly selected using the True Random Number Generator at On Tuesday, September 30, 2014, I will present the winner with $100 cash in front of the Spotlight Table at the Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce Building. I will also announce the winner in a future blog post here at

You have until 5pm on Friday, September 26th to register for this contest.

[ujicountdown id=”$100 Giveaway” expire=”2014/09/26 17:00:00″ hide = “false”]

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