
Today was nuts, right? Google launched a petition. Wikipedia voted to shut itself off. Senators’ websites went down just from the sheer surge of voters trying to write them. NYC and SF geeks had protests that packed city blocks. You made history today: nothing like this has ever happened before.[…]

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Have you ever had a revelation at the most unexpected time? This happened to me recently at a Foo Fighters concert. Thinking I  was getting away from work, I ended up inspired to write this business development blog by the most unlikely source. Granted, Foo Fighters put on one of[…]

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A florist put a sign in front of his business that had men pulling u-turns to get back to the shop. The sign simply read, “In the dog house?” This is a perfect example of guerrilla marketing. Simple, inexpensive, yet highly effective and a powerful tool for any small businesses.[…]

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