We want to thank Chris Roberts and the Joplin Tri-State Business Journal for the fantastic article on MyModernWeb. The article, titled MyModernWeb Quadruples Revenues, walks you through the brief history of our company and where we are heading. It also features the work we have done for Pro 100 Realtors and American[…]
We don’t want to be your website developer. It isn’t our goal to build your website and never talk to you again. We want to be your website department. We want to support you in maintaining and updating your website on a regular basis. Your website is more than an[…]
There is nothing better than FREE advertising. But there is nothing more worthless than free irrelevant advertising. If you google ‘free advertising’ and you get about 140,000,000 results. That would be enough to stop any newbie in their tracks. We put together a list of 5 websites we have found[…]
Unless you don’t want to drive traffic to your website, you don’t want to become a trusted expert to your customers or you don’t want connect with potential clients with just a few clicks on the keyboard. I would guess that most business owners simply don’t know what a blog[…]
MyModernWeb.com is excited to announce that we have moved our offices to the Gryphon Building on Main Street in Joplin. This move is a stepping-stone to better serve our clients. We have a comfortable lobby and a contemporary conference room to meet with you in a professional manner. Our offices also[…]
You run a successful and highly professional business. You have often thought about tackling the internet to further your business, knowing the unlimited potential. But where do you start? Maybe you have a website that isn’t doing well. Or maybe you’ve questioned whether or not you should invest in a new website.[…]
The freedom of Net Neutrality suffered a traumatic blow last week. Net Neutrality, as defined by Wikipedia, is a principle proposed for users’ access to networks participating in the Internet. The principle advocates no restrictions by Internet service providers and governments on content, sites, platforms, the kinds of equipment that may be attached, and the[…]
With each launch of a website, the staff here at MyModernWeb.com feel like proud parents on graduation day. In the brief time, between the initial phone call about wanting a website but not knowing where to start to the day we open the hidden portal and releases the website into[…]
The MyModernWeb team destroys the Deathstar and saves the Universe.
Instant Karma Lunch Special: Chicago Dog with fries and a drink. Living Trinity Fellowship announces a guest speaker this Sunday. A friend suggests a Square account. Half price frappuccinos at Starbucks, WHAT! Behold, the power of social networking. I ate lunch at Instant Karma that day. Our family traveled to Branson[…]