If you have been on Twitter (or even Facebook) lately, you may have noticed a strange occurrence. A word or an unspaced series of words preceded by the number sign. It may look something like this: #hashtag or #hashtagsarecool. These are known as hashtags and are a popular Twitter trend. The[…]
I’m not the biggest fan of tv commercials. Unless you are watching for your television debut in a commercial, who actually enjoys sitting through interruptions? Thanks to my DVR, I now have the ability to swiftly skip through the disturbances and get back to the reason I’m staring mindlessly at[…]
Facebook has become a way of life for our society. The capability to connect with friends and family worldwide in a matter of seconds is momentous. Facebook has also changed the business world. Companies now have the potential to connect with millions of Facebook users on a daily basis without[…]
One of the neat things about eBooks is that you can copy code straight out of the eBook and paste it into your project. But Kindle’s desktop app won’t let you copy the text. Here is a nice work around.
Advertising is a tricky thing. An ad campaign may work great for one business, while a similar campaign completely fails for another. Most advertising struggles to get you, the consumer, to understand why you need to choose this business or service over their competition. They try to sell you on[…]
It amazes me that open source projects can be so productive and profitable, while many commercial based software companies can’t make software worth using or turn a profit. Let’s take ASP for example. Only businesses with big bucks use Microsoft’s commercial programming language. Microsoft charges licensing fees and they require[…]
There aren’t many things that this girl will wake up for at 5:15 am on a Saturday. Last weekend was an exception, as I headed for the charming campus of the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville for my first ever WordCamp. In the words of WordPress, “WordCamp is a conference that[…]
Your website is your store. Imagine walking into a store and no one is there to help you. How would that make you feel as a customer? Many people are walking into your online store each and every day. How do they feel when they enter your store? Are they finding[…]
Have you ever had a revelation at the most unexpected time? This happened to me recently at a Foo Fighters concert. Thinking I was getting away from work, I ended up inspired to write this business development blog by the most unlikely source. Granted, Foo Fighters put on one of[…]
Jason Dittmer, owner & founder of MyModernWeb, has hit the road. He is traveling the nation in an RV with his wife, Megan and his children, Turner and Lilly. The family man, business man and rebel in Jason inspired this adventure. Desiring to promote MyModernWeb nationwide and wanting to keep[…]