From the Blog

Unless you don’t want to drive traffic to your website, you don’t want to become a trusted expert to your customers or you don’t want connect with potential clients with just a few clicks on the keyboard.

I would guess that most business owners simply don’t know what a blog is or how it would be relevant to their business. Does your website have a Blog or News page? If it doesn’t, it should. This ever-evolving page is what will bring new traffic to your site. For the most part, the content on other pages on your site will not change. These pages allow you to constantly add new content, so that search engines like Google and Bing can easily find your website.

When you think of blogging, do you think of some unknown person rambling on about something they know nothing about? That may be the case for some, but not business blogs. Blogging can be a great way to connect with current and potential clients looking to you as a resident expert, thus driving traffic to your website and ultimately to your place of business.

What can be put in a blog? The answer is anything!

  • News-Even though you may not feel it is relevant, you would be surprised to discover that people connect to you and your business through any news.
  • Valuable Information-Don’t give away the secret recipe. Just enough to show your expertise.
  • Lists-People love lists. The are easy to read and they can quickly find the information they are looking for
  • Announcements-Business or Personal. People will feel an automatic connection to your business because they know what’s happening.
  • New Products or Services-Anytime you add a new service or product, blog about how this will help your customers.
  • Product Reviews-Pick a product several times a year and write an expert review.
  • Product Recommendations-Share what you share everyday with your walk-in customers.
  • History-Whether your history is one year or 100 years, people will be inspired and educated at the same time.
  • Pictures-Always, always include pictures. You may think it’s no big deal because you see it everyday. People want to see. Just as Announcements, include business and personal pictures. If an employee just had a baby, post a blog with a picture. Customers will feel like a friend and are more likely walk into your place of business.

Don’t have time to blog? We provide a service that includes a weekly blog. That’s 52 blogs a year. Hubspot, a leader in internet marketing, affirms that the more you blog the greater your impact will be. The search engines will be sending traffic to your website like crazy. Your customers will trust you. Potential clients find you over your competition. Did you know a simple blog could be so valuable?


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